​Acupuncture originated in China over 3,000 years ago. It is one of the oldest healing practices in the world and it can be a powerfully effective form of medicine. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles to activate specific points on the body. These points stimulate the body's ability to heal in addition to relieving pain, increasing circulation to the area and giving the patient an overall sense of calm and well being. Acupuncture works with your body to stimulate it's own ability to heal...without unwanted side effects!

​​​Acupuncture treatment can include cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, TDP far infrared heat lamp, acupressure, ear seeds, and/or electro-acupuncture.
For more information on acupuncture, see FAQ.

"He that takes medicine and neglects diet wastes the skills of the physician"
~ Chinese Proverb
Nutrition has always been an essential component in determining how healthy each person can be. We have all heard "we are what we eat". The quality of our food has deteriorated drastically over the last 50 years. Our food is now grown in nutrient poor soils and is highly processed with preservatives to increase shelf life. As a society we rarely cook at home or sit down as a family for a meal. I don't believe we can get all the nutrients we need from food alone anymore. Nutrition is a crucial component to people getting well. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) incorporates dietary recommendations that correspond to your specific TCM diagnosis and recommendations are based on your constitution, as well as food flavors, temperatures in addition to eating foods appropriate to each season.
A great resource and starting point for a healthy eating model is The Weston Price Foundation. Weston Price was a Canadian dentist that traveled the globe to study indigenous peoples that had maintained their traditional diets. He wrote a book on his findings, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, which provides scientific validation for eating traditional foods.