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Lotus in Bloom


What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture originated in China over 3,000 years ago. It is one of the oldest healing practices in the world and can be a powerfully effective form of medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was used in China as a form of preventative medicine.  Doctors got paid as long as their patients stayed well and would not get paid if patients got sick.  This is very different from our current health care model.


Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles to activate specific points on the body.  These points stimulate the body's ability to heal in addition to relieving pain, increasing circulation to the area and giving the patient an overall sense of calm and well being.  It has a very positive effect on moods, sleep and immune system regardless of the condition being treated. â€‹

How does Acupuncture work?

Acupuncturists work with the energy in the body, referred to as Qi in TCM.  Qi flows through pathways called meridians or channels, like water flowing in a river. If there is a blockage, the Qi backs up in the channel similar to a dam blocking water flow on a river.  The result of the blocked Qi manifests as pain or illness.  By inserting the needles along these pathways at particular points, the blockage is removed so the Qi can flow freely once again.  Pain is reduced and balance is restored. 


Research is ongoing to understand how acupuncture works according to conventional medicine and physiology.  Some results have shown that acupuncture stimulates the release of pain-relieving endorphins, as well as increasing blood flow to the injured or affected area. I think there is still much to learn about the mechanism acupuncture uses to affect changes in the body.​​

Does Acupuncture hurt?

Most patients find acupuncture doesn't hurt as much as they expect it to and often say "is that it?" the first time they experience it. The sensation following the insertion of an acupuncture needle will vary from patient to patient.  Some patients don't feel anything at all, while others report a dull ache or feeling of pressure at the site.  If the sensation is ever too much for a patient, I adjust the needles to make it as comfortable as possible.  Most patients find the treatment relaxing and often fall asleep during the treatment.  â€‹I don't believe a patient has to feel any negative sensation at the needle site to have an effective treatment.  I believe the body takes from the needles what it needs, versus the idea of forcing a treatment on the body.

What does a typical treatment look like?

The initial appointment is 60-90 minutes long.  The majority of the first appointment is composed of a thorough review of medical history and body systems.  Questions will be asked about lifestyle, diet, stress levels, sleep patterns, digestion, elimination and menstrual cycles.  An important TCM diagnostic tool for acupuncturists is to look at the tongue and feel the pulse. This is necessary to establish a TCM diagnosis and treatment plan.  The interview is followed by an acupuncture treatment. The needles are left in for about 20-30 minutes during which time most patients take a nap.  Follow up appointments are 45-60 minutes with a shorter interview followed by an acupuncture treatment.


​​​I recommend wearing loose fitting, comfortable clothing to your treatment. Some people bring a pair of shorts to change into.  â€‹Normally patients remain fully clothed and lie face up or down on a massage table.  Sleeves or pantlegs may be pulled up to access most of the areas needed for the treatment. If I require access to an area covered by clothing, draping is provided to ensure your comfort and modesty.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments will depend on the severity and duration of your condition.  Generally, acute conditions or those with a recent onset take a shorter amount of time (4-6 visits) to treat.  Chronic or long-term conditions take more time (>6 visits) to treat.  Some people respond more quickly than others regardless of how long they've had the condition.  Visits are usually scheduled 1-2 times per week.  Each treatment builds on the one before for a cumulative effect, so it's important to stick with the treatment plan for the maximum benefit.  ​​Many people continue to come in for treatments once per month or seasonally to maintain their health and prevent illness, similar to taking your car in for a tune up.

Is Acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is a safe, effective treatment method with almost no side effects.  Occasionally, some patients may experience aching, numbness, tingling or a small bruise at the needle site that may last a day or two after the treatment.

Do I need to "believe" in Acupuncture for it to work?

You don't have to believe in acupuncture for it to work!  Acupuncture is very effective when treating animals and babies, neither of which has any preconceived judgement as to whether or not acupuncture will help them.  It works for them and they don't "believe" in acupuncture.

What kind of education did you receive to be an Acupuncturist?

Acupuncture programs are usually a three to four year Master's program.  My program was rigorous with 4,000 hours of coursework and 700 patient contact hours.  We had extensive training in anatomy and physiology, memorization of hundreds of point locations and functions, nutrition, pharmacology, as well as individual Chinese herbs and formulas. I took 3 national board exams in the U.S. through NCCAOM as well as the Pan-Canadian exam in Canada. There are continuing education requirements in both the US and Canada in order to maintain my licenses.

Insurance Companies
Is Acupuncture Covered by Insurance or ICBC?

Acupuncture is covered by most extended health plans. ICBC covers 12 acupuncture treatments for up to 12 weeks following a car accident without the need for pre-approval, no matter who is at fault.  


I currently offer direct billing for:

  • Cowan

  • Desjardin Insurance

  • Great West Life Assurance Company (Canada Life)

  • ICBC

  • Industrial Alliance Financial Group

  • Johnson

  • Johnston Group

  • Manulife 

  • Maximum Benefits

  • Pacific Blue Cross

  • Sun Life


If you have a different insurance company and would like me to bill them directly, send me an email and I will look into getting registered.

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